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How To Care For Muscle Injury In Pole Fitness

As I sit writing this article about pole dancing muscle injuries for you I'm currently in the middle of week three out of six.

I pulled my intercostals a couple of weeks ago and instantly knew this was a six weeks of no training and total rest prescription.

Being fully aware of how to avoid pulling muscles and what to do in the event that I should pull one, I was pretty surprised to have been caught out.

This is what inspired me to write this guide for those of you who don't know what to do to avoid muscle injuries.

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How To Stay Safe & Avoid Injury On Your Pole

I'm sure you'll have seen a few pole fitness 'fail videos' shared around on social media recently. The one that went viral on the 'Lad Bible' Facebook group springs to my mind first.

Then there's another article I found which mentions those fail videos, and suggests pole fitness is among a bunch of other fitness fads that are well past their sell by date.

In that article we're told to give it up and leave it to the professionals!

Well, here's the thing guys, the professionals were beginners once just like you and I, and everyone who ever became a master at anything!

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