Have you been thinking about treating yourself to a professional pole photoshoot to show off your skills in style?
Whether you've never had a pole photoshoot before or you'd just like some tips for next time, this article is for you!
Have you been thinking about entering a pole competition? Wondering what it takes to make a great pole competition video entry?
Are you looking for interesting cross training activities to help speed up your pole progress?
Looking for something to compliment your pole workouts and increase strength and flexibility?
In this guest post by Mary Milligan from Milan Pole Dance Studio that's exactly what you'll find.
It's that time of year again. Everyone is reviewing what pole goals they achieved, comparing their top liked pictures on Facebook and Instagram and wondering what awaits them in the New Year.
You're probably tempted to write yourself some New Year's Resolutions to set yourself some solid targets for the year ahead.
Before you do though, it's important to understand why most New Year's Resolutions actually fail.
I've had a lot of people asking me about my progress recently, and that's totally normal.
You see someone who is suddenly progressing very quickly and you want to know the secret, how do they do it?
If you've ever seen someone with amazing progress but been unable to recreate the results with their advice you need to read on.