The Best Of Pole Dance & Fitness - December 2016

The Best Of Pole Dance & Fitness – December 2016

I read a lot every month, from pole to general fitness, healthy eating and nutritional information.

I come across things around the web from time to time that I think you guys will be able to take helpful advice and information from.

So, whenever I see something I think you'll benefit from, I save it right into my Evernote. Once a month I'll put together a roundup of my favourites for you to enjoy.

So without further ado, here is the eighth post in my series of favourite pole fitness, health and nutrition articles I read this month!

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Pole Dancing & Fitness

First, let's check out the top pole dancing & fitness articles I read online this month...

#1) What Are Your Goals For The New Year?

Once you have some resolutions in mind don't forget to head over to my article to find out why you need to break them down into 12 weekly targets!

New Years Resolutions Goals

You'll get more done in twelve weeks than most people manage in one year with my secret sauce for goal setting!

#2) Eat The Turkey, Don't Be The Turkey!

If you're anything like me you'll have definitely cooked way too much food and probably put yourself into a food coma over the last week.

Check out how much food we had at our Christmas dinner after all of our guests brought an extra one or two dishes each on top of all the food we prepared for them!

Festive Feast

Just trying a little bit of each dish wiped me out, but I wanted to keep on eating... We've all been there don't judge me!

Here's some exclusive rare footage of me and my other pole girls who were there after the meal.

Seriously though, Neo was here to save the day over Christmas!

Although it might be too late for you if you missed this awesome advice, she reminds us it's not so bad to eat drink and be merry but don't stop working out in the process!

#3) It's Party Time!

The festive season wouldn't be festive at all without a party or two, and it's no different for your pole fam!

That's why Holly at Pole Freaks shared 5 of her favourite games for pole parties this month, and if you need a little inspiration I shared my favourite pole party games too!

These games are great any time of the year so if you're having a birthday party or New Year's Celebration don't forget to check back for fun ideas!

#4) Best Gifts For Pole Dancers

Before we move on from the festive theme, I also wrote this article for you to share with friends and family to give them great gift ideas that any pole dancer will love!

It's great for birthdays, Christmas or any special occasion to give your loved ones a hint or help you to think of Secret Santa ideas for your pole buddies.

Please read with caution, I literally want everything in here!

#5) Too Shy To Go To A Pole Class?

If you're too shy to take the first step to starting pole classes for any reason, you'll love this article by Molly over at Greatist.

Inside you'll find nine strength exercises you can practise at home to build up to trying a class.

Demos of each of the nine exercises are done by Roz The Diva!

Other Fitness Tips I Read This Month

In this section I'll be sharing tips from fitness blogs around the web that can be useful in your pole training too!

#6) Resistance Band Exercises At Home

I'm going to change things up a little bit this month, these Energetiks tips come in the form of a YouTube video, instead of a blog post!

It has some super helpful stretches for ballet dancers that can cross over to help you with your toe point, splits and back bending goals!

#7) What Do You Really Want To Look Like?

While we're on the theme of goal setting for New Year, this article by Jessi Kneeland is a great reminder to be realistic about your body goals.

Throughout the article you'll also learn some interesting mental changes you need to make, to have a happy body you need a happy mind.

That's why Jessi teaches us that if we love our bodies, they will love us back!

Despite our cultural conditioning wiring us up to believe we have to be skinny, let's forget how we look and keep building up those muscles that allow us to do amazing things this year!

Tips For Mums

Although I’m not a mum myself, I forever see people looking for advice on pole and exercise during and after pregnancy.

Since I have neither the qualifications nor experience to advise on pregnancy in any way, I'll do my best to share any helpful articles I find on the subject every month here in the roundup!

If you're looking for like minded pole dancing mums you should visit the Pole Mamas Facebook group, there's no better place to connect with mums who pole for guidance!

#8) Mummy & Me Workouts

In this weeks mums tips we have a great article by Nicole over at Breaking Muscle.

You'll find six weeks worth of mummy and me workouts broken down over four days a week. These exercises are ideal for new mums on the go.

That means that they're effective even with little feet running around and some you can even get your little ones involved with.

Each day of the week has a different focus and combined they will help you build back up to your regular fitness routines.

The Healthy Food Corner

In my house we do a lot of food prep, I'm forever looking for healthy meals I can cook in bulk.

Apart from saving a bunch of time this also allows me to worry less about diet and what I'm going to eat in the moment of choosing a meal.

Once a month my partner and I pick 2 - 3 recipes each, buy all the ingredients for around 8 portions in bulk, and then spend a day each cooking!

So, every month I'll share my favourite recipe from the month with you right here:

#9) The Main Course

I chose this month's main course with the cold weather in mind, because although I'm still in the tropical heat of Costa Rica I know most of you aren't.

This recipe is great if you're suffering from a seasonal cold, sore throats or sniffles, it's the 'Cold Buster' Chicken and Pasta Soup!

I'll be keeping this one on stand by for my journey back to the UK, it looks delicious but it's far too hot for it here.

It's going to keep me warm on my trip next month for sure!

#10) A Healthy Tasty Treat

I've decided to keep the dessert nice and light this month as I'm sure you're all feeling stuffed enough with all the cake and chocolates over the festive season.

That's why this month's tasty treat is high in protein and full of blueberries. They are a superfood if you didn't know!

The recipe for this High-Protein Lemon Berry Chia Yogurt even comes with a complete macronutrient breakdown at the end 🙂

#11) Something Different To Wash It Down

I'm going seasonal again with this one.

After sharing some festive slightly healthier alcoholic drinks to enjoy over Christmas, I figured you'd be in need of something a little different by New Year.

That's why in this recipe you'll find all the ingredients you need based on nutritional science, to mix yourself the perfect hangover cure!

Happy New Year! I'll see you on the flip side 🙂

If you've read any great pole fitness articles you think deserve a spot in the top 10 next month feel free to share them with me here or comment below! Did you find these articles helpful?

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